Burinex (Bumetanide) - 1mg (100 Tablets)



* Our best price : £ 24.82

Burinex (Bumetanide) is used to remove unnecessary fluid in the body. This is often referred to as oedema, and can be caused by conditions such as cirrhosis of the liver and kidney failure.

Brand Name : Burinex
Active Ingredients : BUMETANIDE
Manufacturer : Leo Laboratories Ltd.
Country of Origin : France
Intended Patient : Unisex
Burinex (Bumetanide) - 1mg (100 Tablets) Burinex (Bumetanide) - 1mg (100 Tablets) Burinex (Bumetanide) - 1mg (100 Tablets)
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Main Use Active Ingredient Marketed Name
Oedema and high blood pressure Bumetanide Burinex

Burinex (Bumetanide) is used to remove unnecessary fluid in the body. This is often referred to as oedema, and can be caused by conditions such as cirrhosis of the liver and kidney failure. This medicine works by increasing the quantity of salts released in the urine, while also increasing urination production, thereby helping the body to rid itself of any excess fluids which may have built up in the lungs and ankles. Blood pressure is also reduced by this medicine, which makes it a useful and widely used treatment for hypertension.

Dosage and Administration
Burinex (Bumetanide) comes in the form of tablets, which are taken via oral administration. A thorough medical assessment is required, so that the doctor can prescribe a safe and proper dosage. Adult patients treating oedema or pulmonary oedema are usually prescribed a dosage which can range from 0.5mg to 2mg per day. Treatment of high blood pressure and other conditions can require a different dosage. Never take more than the prescribed amount.

Side effects
A list is provided of some side effects which may be noticed by patients taking Burinex (Bumetanide) tablets:

  • Thirst
  • Itchy skin
  • Dehydration
  • Muscle cramps
  • Feeling weak, faint or dizzy

Let your doctor known if any side effects are noticed. Severe reactions can occur in rare cases. See your doctor straight away if you notice decreases sodium or mineral levels, hypotension, enlargement of the breasts, hyperuricaemia, peeling of the skin or any other serious symptoms.

Patients should remember that this is a very strong diuretic (water pill), and taking excess amounts of it can cause a serious loss of water and minerals. Tell your doctor right away if you feel confused, weak or develop any other symptoms of mineral loss.

If your doctor provides you with special dietary instructions to be followed during the course of treatment (such as foods that are rich in potassium), it is necessary that you strictly adhere to all instructions given to you.

Seek immediate emergency medical attention if you suffer an allergic reaction. Symptoms to watch for, which may be indicative of a reaction, include skin rashes, hives, swelling of the face or limbs, trouble breathing, and trouble swallowing.

Always use Burinex (Bumetanide) as you have been prescribed by your doctor. Never self-medicate or change your dosage without first consulting your doctor. The correct dosage can vary depending on your health, medical history, and the severity of the condition being treated.

This medication may not be safe for all patients. Before you begin using it always disclose the following to your doctor:

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • If you suffer from any allergies.
  • If you suffer from any other health conditions or illnesses.
  • If you are using any other medicine (including all non-prescription).
  • If you are using any supplements, vitamins, or herbal products of any kind.

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